Ejercicios there is there are some any primaria pdf

there? 2) There are some students in the class. there? 3) I don't think there's much ice-cream in the fridge. there? 4) Let's look at our money situation? there? 5) We need a book for each student. there? 6) The beer is nearly finished. there? 7) We haven't got much tomato sauce. there? 8) …

Exercises: ‘There is/are’ – Simple present I | Superprof There is, there are + some any. En la anterior lección de gramática de YouTalk, vimos una introducción al verbo haber en inglés. Afirmación, negación, interrogación y la comparación con el verbo ser y estar. En esta ocasión, nos vamos a centrar en some, any + there is, there are Fíjate en estos ejemplos:

Ejercicios de nombres contables e incontables -some / any 1 There is ____ beer in the fridge. some. any. 2 Are there ____ grapes in the kitchen? any. some.

NAME: DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET QUANTIFIERS: … GRAMMAR WORKSHEET QUANTIFIERS: SOME/ANY STATEMENT NEGATIVE QUESTION Plural Nouns I have some cookies. Uncountable Nouns I need some water. I don’t have any cookies. I don’t need any water. Do you have any cookies? Do you need any water? NOTE 1: With questions in which we expect the answer to be ‘Yes’, we can use ‘some’ instead of there is/are exercises - yoquieroaprobar.es b. Is there a swimming pool in Torrevieja? c. Are there two chairs in your bedroom? d. Is there a television in your living room? e. Is there a bus stop in your street? f. Is there a cat in your home? g. Is there a computer in your bedroom? h. Are there any posters in your bedroom? i. Are there any animals in your home? j. Are there any flowers Ejercicios THERE IS y THERE ARE - Aprender Inglés GO

THERE IS / THERE ARE / SOME / ANY - SENTENCES AFFIRMATIVE 1. There is a desk under the window. 2. There is a computer on the desk. 3. There is a toilet next to the stairs.

English Exercises: There is and there are with some/any/a/an some or any exercise. Hi!! This exercise is aimed to reinforce our students´ use of THERE IS and THERE ARE together with SOME/ANY/A/AN. I hope you find it useful! 1.10 - Gramática de "There is" y "There are" & "some" vs "any" Usamos las palabras "There is" y "There are" para declarar que algo existe o no existe.Básicamente estas estructuras tienen el mismo significado en español de "Hay", lo importante que hay que tener en cuenta es diferenciar los sustantivos en plural y singular. THERE IS / THERE ARE / SOME / ANY - SENTENCES THERE IS / THERE ARE / SOME / ANY - SENTENCES AFFIRMATIVE 1. There is a desk under the window. 2. There is a computer on the desk. 3. There is a toilet next to the stairs.

Past to be, There was / There were – Answers A 1 was 4 were 2 Was 5 was, was 3 were 6 Were B 1 Were there 4 There was 2 There was 5 Was there 3 There were 6 Was there C Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. D 1 Was the man rich many years ago? No, he wasn’t. He was poor. 2 Were the men on holiday in June? No, they weren’t.

There is there are ejercicios / There is there are ... There is, there are + some any. En la anterior lección de gramática de YouTalk, vimos una introducción al verbo haber en inglés. Afirmación, negación, interrogación y la comparación con el verbo ser y estar. En esta ocasión, nos vamos a centrar en some, any + there is, there are Fíjate en estos ejemplos: Some and any exercise 2 - Perfect English Grammar There’s some money in my handbag. 14. Did you buy some chicken? [I expect you will say ‘yes’ because we talked about it before.] 15. I don’t have any sunblock with me. 16. She never drinks any water. 17. Do you have some sugar? Microsoft Word - Some and any exercise 2.doc Author: Seonaid A Little / Little / A Few / Few - Perfect English Grammar 8. There are few women politicians in the UK. Many people think there should be more. 9. It’s a great pity, but the hospital has little medicine. They can’t help many people. 10. I’ve got a few cakes to give away. Would you like one? 11. There’s a little milk left in the fridge. It should be enough for our coffee. 12.

Exercises: ‘There is/are’ – Simple present I | Superprof May 08, 2019 · El material didáctico de Superprof te permite mejorar tu nivel de Inglés con ejercicios interactivos de Gramatica inglesa. Consulta nuestros ejercicios interactivos para reforzar tus conocimientos en Verbs There is some tea in the pot. ‘There is/are – There was/were’ – Simple present and simple past. Verb ‘to be’: simple SOME ANY MUCH MANY A LOT (A) FEW (A) LITTLE 3. We need some / any more coffee. 4. She’s got some / any interesting friends. 5. I didn’t have some / any breakfast today. 6. He hasn’t done some / any work for ten years. 7. Have you got some / any brothers and sisters? 8. I’m having some / any problems with my car. 9. Are there some / … Ejercicio - some y any Utilizar 'some' y 'any' en frases en inglés - ejercicio de gramática inglesa - elegir la respuesta según frase afirmativa, negativa, etc.

Ejercicios - Some / Any - Inglés - Repaso de Gramática 】 - Ejercicios - Some / Any - 1.- Indica en cuales de las siguientes oraciones hay que utilizar "some" y en cuales "any": {ejercicio:completar} I have seen ide Blog de Inglés de Amparo: A, AN SOME, ANY. Feb 09, 2015 · ¡Atención! Si se trata de un video, podéis verlo a pantalla completa pinchando en la parte inferior derecha de la ventana del video sobre un icono que tiene cuatro flechas. Exercises – countable and uncountable nouns – some / any ... May 08, 2019 · Apuntes Idiomas Inglés Gramatica inglesa Articles Exercises – countable and uncountable nouns – some / any ¿Todo el día en casa? Is there any soup left? Countable and uncountable nouns (Some / any / no quantifier) Exercises: countable and … SOME y ANY en Inglés - Aprende inglés con SELVA inglés

8. There are few women politicians in the UK. Many people think there should be more. 9. It’s a great pity, but the hospital has little medicine. They can’t help many people. 10. I’ve got a few cakes to give away. Would you like one? 11. There’s a little milk left in the fridge. It should be enough for our coffee. 12.

SOME and ANY - Exercises some butter some toasts some eggs some sausages some milk some horses some Cokes some dogs some bottles some pencils But don’t look for: any cats any cream any frogs any cheese any spiders any meat any butterflies Ejercicios Some Any Much y Many en inglés con respuestas Ejercicios Some Any Much y Many en inglés / grammar exercise. Otras lecciones: Explicacion de some y any. Con soluciones. Are there any oranges left? (¿Aún hay naranjas?) B: No, there aren’t, we don’t have any apples either. (No. Tampoco tenemos manzanas) Some, any, no, every ejercicios; some any compounds exercises Hoy Carlos nos habla de las palabras compuestas con some, any, no y every.Te vamos a dar todo tipo de ejercicios y frases para que asimiles perfectamente todos los compuestos de some y any con sus ejercicios.Te lo vamos a dar en afirmativo, negativo, pregunta…como decimos con multitud de ejemplos y frases para que lo puedas asimilar sin pestañear y con fluidez, que es lo que más trabajamos